Take Home Exam Packet
Your takehome exam packet should include:
- One scantron
- One multiple choice test
- One set of instructions for the Online New New Thing Project
Multiple Choice Test Procedure
Based upon the multiple choice test, fill out the scantron. Note that you should bubble in your name but you do not need to include any id number. Bring that scantron with you to our first class after spring break.
The scantron is due at the start of class. Expect that turning in the scantron late will have punitive consequences.
New New Thing Project Procedure
This is an online project. You will find the project at: New New Thing
In this exam packet, you have a complete set of instructions concerning how to complete this project. Note that these instructions are also available on the project web site.
While the scantron is due prior to the start of our first class after spring break. The New New Thing Project is due at midnight on the day of our first class meeting after spring break.